It’s been some months since I’ve posted anything to my Blog page…I know…I know.
I like to have a purpose behind my writing, whether it’s writing a book or a blog to share stories or information that will inspire someone else. I don’t like to write about just anything to say that I was able to get some content down; it’s not my style or who I am as an author. With that being said, I’ve been thinking a lot about my brand lately and what I want my blog to focus on. I’ve actually had this conversation with the editor-in-chief of my publisher quite a few times. I just love her!
While I was sitting at my computer this week working on marketing ideas, it finally came to me – Women, Love, and Romance (WRL). It’s what I love to talk about, so why not blog about it! I plan to start posting next month in April. Make sure to sign up on my mailing list to receive email notifications. #CleanRomance at its best.
Let’s chat about it.