Picking the cover

Finishing a manuscript is one of the most rewarding experiences for an author. Picking the cover is just as exciting! I’m a cover person, so this is my favorite part. If the cover doesn’t grab me, there’s a chance that I will not read the summary.
For the past couple weeks, I’ve been involved in the cover design process for my next book. I like to think about the readers and what will draw their attention to the book. After reviewing various proofs, I believe the designer has created a beautiful cover. It’s elegant with an eye-catching design that flows perfectly with the title. The cover is scheduled to be revealed soon! I look forward to sharing it with you. Thank you for your loving support.

When Love’s Knot Enough – Coming April 7, 2015

Where do I find the time?

When people hear that I’m an author of a published book, their first question is always, “Where do you find the time?” My professional associates are amazed that someone with our busy schedules can find the time to do anything else. So where do I find the time? Well, I write in my head (not literally, but definitely take mental notes) when I’m driving to work and get an idea, when I’m at work on a lunch break, during the late hours after I put my son down for bed, and…I think you get the idea. I just make the time. It’s as simple as that. There’s no special time or place that I set aside to do my writing. When a potential storyline manifests, I have to be ready with a recorder or a pen to jot down my idea. It’s no different than making time to watch your favorite television show during a busy work week, or running to your favorite retail store because there’s a 25% off sale.
My creativity doesn’t just stop because one story has come to an end. It continues on and on to a new chapter. So with this being said, I challenge you to make time to do what you love to do. You never know where finding a second in your busy schedule can take you. For me, it takes me to an empty page on my computer screen where I can create a character that can be as sweet as pie one minute, but turn into a villain in a blink of an eye. I enjoy taking readers on a ride that will give them something to talk about after they close the book. It’s what I love to do. So find the time to do what you love to do. Make it happen!

Writers Events

Writers’ conferences are a great way to meet editors, agents, publishers, and even connect with other authors in your genre.  Attending events such as these can put you in contact with influential people who know the publishing industry and are able to provide guidance that can take your writing career to the next step.

Here’s an upcoming event in Washington, D.C.:
